Wednesday 20 April 2011

Her she is....just some minor tweaking to do, so love this picture!

I've had a serious flu over the last week and a half so I used that time to paint! It's almost complete! I'm quite happy with the way it's shaped out. Her fur has been the biggest challenge for me. The photo that I used for this, the photographer used a blurring technique so that it was very clear around her face and then got fuzzy/faded out near the bottom so difficult to see how her hair moved/fell into place. So I improvised.

I'm excited to have an artist friend over who was showcased on this tv show that I'm currently addicted to called Star Portraits. 3 artists paint the same subject and come out with 3 different outcomes. Just love this show. Anyway, this one artist has this realism technique that is outstanding will drop by to help with finalizing my painting. Just want some advice and also will be taking a painting course from him. I'm forever a student, if I like a certain technique of an artist, I will seek them out for private classes. It's a win win for everyone!

Anyway, the next post of the painting will probably be the finished product so fingers crossed peeps!

1 comment:

  1. One word: WOW!!
    Sorry to hear about the health concerns of your beautiful subject. Hope she gets well.
    Oh and by the way, your writing style, I love it! It's candid and entertaining. Keep it up!
